The 41-mile SaintSaint In the New Testament applied to all Christians. Later used of those who were martyred or showed exceptional holiness and whose status was confirmed by the church. The practice of venerating the saints and their relics and asking for their intercessions (prayers) can be observed from the second and third centuries onward and played a central role in popular medieval religion. Aelred’s PilgrimPilgrim 1. In the New Testament and Christian thought, someone engaged in the Christian journey through life towards heaven. 2. Someone who journeys to holy places (such as biblical sites or shrines of the saints) to seek God's help, to give thanks, or as an act of penance trail, linking the 12 churches in the Benefice of Helmsley and Upper Ryedale was officially launched in September 2024.
The trail takes people on a scenic pilgrimage through the stunning southwestern area of the North YorkYork 1. A Roman city and early centre of Christianity. 2. Diocese and province under the leadership of the Archbishop of York. Moors National Park. It is hoped that this trail will revitalise interest in historic rural and hamlet churches and chapels.
The trail is for people of all faiths and none, who love the opportunity that pilgrimage offers for spiritual experience and well-being, meeting fellow pilgrims and enjoying our beautiful countryside. There is something for everyone: those who are up for a challenge, those who seek places of peace, contemplation, and prayer, and those want to hike and “stand and stare” whilst absorbing the remarkable sights and sounds of our moors.
The trail is named in homage to one of the most celebrated of saints – Aelred, AbbotAbbot Head of an abbey of monks of Rievaulx AbbeyAbbey 1. Community of monks or nuns under the rule of an abbot or abbess. This is the higher grade of monastery, as opposed to the lower priory. 2. Building which they occupy. 1147 to 1167. One of the finest of scholars: a writer, spiritual director, poet, preacher, historian, adviser to monarchs, peacemaker and walker. His teachings are emblematic of missionMission 1. A group of people sent out to share religious faith. 2. The task of sharing faith. and the renewed interest in pilgrimage.
The St Aelred’s Pilgrim route owes much to the enthusiasm of George Gyte and intrepid local path finders, Joyce Garbutt and Mal Gyte and has been tested by friends new and old. The walk begins and ends at the ancient and majestic All Saints Church in Helmsley and to ensure this project is a sustainable activity with minimal impact on the environment, please travel lightly. The Trail is in nine stages, each one beginning and ending at a church where you can stamp the pilgrim passport.
Writing the guidebook about the trail, ArchbishopArchbishop Bishop who also presides over a group of dioceses or provinces. Stephen’s Foreword reads:
“I find it hard to be still. For me, it is easier to pray when moving. So I am delighted that there is a new pilgrimage route in Yorkshire inviting us to journey along St Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail in the footsteps of some of the northern saints.
Before Christians were called ‘Christians’, they were known as ‘the people of the way’. They were a people who journeyed – spiritual journeys and physical journeys. I fear that we are no longer people who journey. We most often try to travel by the quickest way possible, impatient to arrive at our destination. But it is good for us to walk; health benefits aside, travelling by foot allows us a different perspective on the world. We appreciate the natural world when we slow down. Walking along a path gives us time to be with others, whether friends we start out with or strangers we meet along the way. When walking, we can simply take time to delight in the sheer joy of being alive.
The Northern Province (of the Church of England) has a rich history of people arriving here to spread the GospelGospel (Greek evangelion, Old English godspel 'good news') 1. The central message of the Christian faith concerning salvation. 2. Title given to the four New Testament books which describe the life of Christ i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 3. A reading taken from one of the four Gospels which has the place of honour in the Eucharist and share the Good News of JesusJesus (Greek form of Hebrew 'Joshua' meaning 'Yahweh [God] is salvation') Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded mainly in the Four Gospels although he is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus (c. 37-c.100) and the Roman historian Tacitus (c.110). Christ. Some of the early saints who were born here journeyed to RomeRome This Italian city was the capital of the Roman Empire and, with the primacy accorded to the bishops of Rome (the popes), the centre of the Western Church from the late-Antique period onwards. Rome was not only the administrative centre, but an important source of innovation, relics and liturgy. Missionaries from Rome played an important role in the conversion of Anglo-Saxon England from late 6th century onward., before returning to England. As they moved about teaching, preaching and establishing monastic communities, they often did this by walking from place to place. This trail offers not only an opportunity to join in with their stories and their journeys, but an invitation for us to slow down, to reconnect with our beautiful countryside, our historic churches and of course, for some of us, with God.
I am grateful to the work that has gone into preparing this trail – to George, Joyce and Mal who were inspired to bring these paths together as the St Aelred’s Pilgrims Trail and to those who have retold the stories of the saints in these pages. For those who care for the churches along the way, and for all who will offer hospitality to pilgrims, may God bless you. And of course, I give thanks to for all those who will walk this way, whether doing three miles or all 41.
God go with you on this journey.”
Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York
Visit the website to find out more St Aelred’s Pilgrim trail – enjoy walking in the footsteps of Saint Aelred. For Horse Riders, a planned and mapped route by Bill Tait and the Ryedale Byways Group. Accompanying it will be a trail for cyclists, mapped by local cyclist John Ellison.