Light from the past, hope for the future
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Explore FaithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings.
Interested in finding out more about faith and what Christianity offers?

Explore Heritage
Love Heritage? Fascinated by the beauty, art, and architecture of historic churches? Intrigued by the meaning behind them?

For Schools
Faith in the North offers ideas for Collective WorshipWorship 1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect to God. The Bible includes a wide range of physical expression in worship, including bowing down, lifting hands, dancing, processions and singing. The main day on which Christians gather for communal worship is Sunday (the day when Christ is believed to have risen from the dead). 2. Christian liturgy including sung material and prayers of thanksgiving and praise., music, prayer trails and more.

For Churches
Find support for your Church or New Worshipping Community.

What is Faith in the North?
Faith in the North looks to encourage a movement of prayer, storytelling and church planting inspired by the Northern Saints.
The Lord’s Prayer Tour
In 2025, Stephen Cottrell, ArchbishopArchbishop Bishop who also presides over a group of dioceses or provinces. of YorkYork 1. A Roman city and early centre of Christianity. 2. Diocese and province under the leadership of the Archbishop of York. will embark on a tour across the North of England, sharing the meaning and significance of the Lord’s Prayer. He will speak about the ongoing relevance of the Lord’s Prayer in today’s world, encouraging everyone to live by its powerful, transformative words. This tour is part of a broader effort to renew faith and missionMission 1. A group of people sent out to share religious faith. 2. The task of sharing faith. across the North of England.

Church Planting
Working with Northern dioceses, we want to see many churches revitalised and new ChristianChristian Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church to designate all members of the church. communities planted. We are praying and working towards a goal of 3,000 new communities across the region.
Our enabling team is working to support leaders, share good practice and unlock further growth across the North.

A Prayer for Faith in the North
Join with others in prayer across the North of England
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