
DurhamDurham Durham Cathedral has its origins in the small church built in 995 to protect the relics of St Cuthbert. A century later, construction began on the church of the Benedictine Abbey, and Cuthbert's remains were transferred there and placed in a shrine in 1104. In 1242 the bones of Cuthbert were once again moved, this time to a shrine near the entrance of the Chapel of the Nine Altars. CathedralCathedral (Latin cathedra' throne') Church which contains the throne of the bishop and hence the mother church of the diocese

This timeline provides key dates in the history and development of Anglo-Saxon NorthumbriaNorthumbria Northumbria was an early medieval Anglian kingdom in what is now Northern England and South Scotland. and puts the stories of particular people, places, and events in a wider context.

You can also explore the Map of Anglo-Saxon Churches and go to the Resource Hub to dig deeper into the vital contribution of these people and places to the history and heritage of the North.

Constantine is proclaimed Emperor in Roman Eboracum (YorkYork 1. A Roman city and early centre of Christianity. 2. Diocese and province under the leadership of the Archbishop of York.).
The British bishops of Eboracum attend the SynodSynod Assemblies of clergy (and often representatives of the laity), which discuss and make decisions on church affairs. These can be convened at deanery, diocesan and national level. of Arles in 314 and the Council of Nicaea in 325. 

Constantine, the first ChristianChristian Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church to designate all members of the church. Emperor, becomes the sole ruler of the Roman EmpireRoman Empire The Roman Empire succeeded the 500-year old Roman Republic in 27 BC, and had reached it territorial peak by the early 2nd century AD. Britain came under Roman rule in 43 AD under the Emperor Claudius. The last Roman military and administrative presence in Britain was withdrawn in the early 5th century, but left a legacy of Roman infrastructure and culture that was to form the basis for the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England. c. 324- 327. He and his mother Helena begin to turn Palestine into a Christian ‘Holy LandHoly Land A common term for the area of what is now Israel/Palestine where Jesus spent his earthly life. Such a term expresses the allure of pilgrimage to the actual places where Jesus lived and died and was also a concept which inspired the crusading movement.’ and major focus for pilgrimage. In the 380s Christianity becomes the state religion of the Roman Empire. 

Birth of St Brigid, who founded a double monasteryDouble Monastery A monastic centre inhabited by both men and women who lived separately from each other but worshipped together (though separated by barriers). In Anglo-Saxon England double monasteries were ruled over by an abbess, but in the later medieval period leadership was increasingly assumed by men. In the later Middle Ages, religious orders were founded specifically as double orders. The Gilbertine religious order was an order of double houses, founded in England in the twelfth century to support the female contemplative life, but male canons soon came to dominate. Other orders with double monasteries were the Fontevraudines and (briefly) the Premonstratensians. at Kildare in Ireland. Died 525. 

Death of St PatrickPatrick, St The son of a town official on the west coast of Britain in the last days of Roman rule, St Patrick was abducted as boy and taken to Ireland, where he lived as a slave for six years. He spent this time in prayer and on his return received some training for the priesthood. He returned to Ireland in 435 as bishop and was one of the most prominent figures in the conversion of that country beyond the Roman Empire to Christianity until his death in about 461. Some of St Patrick's writings survive, including an autobiography. He is generally regarded as the Apostle of Ireland and legends attribute many miraculous powers to him, the ApostleDisciple New Testament term meaning learner or follower and used of the Twelve Apostles as well as of the followers of Jesus in general. See Apostle. of Ireland.

The Irish monkMonk Member of male religious community St ColumbaColumba, St (c.521-597) Also Colmcille, Columcille. Born into noble Irish family. Established monastery on Iona (c.563), from which he evangelised parts of Scotland and Northern England. What is known of him derives almost entirely from Adomnan's Vita Columbae which, although based on solid traditions within his monastery and earlier written accounts, was written almost a century after his death and portrays him in idealised terms as the perfect disciple, specially chosen by God. By the time of his death, Iona was an important monastic centre linking Ireland, Strathclyde, and Northumbria; and this importance grew for the following two centuries found a monasteryMonastery The house of a religious community on the island of Iona which will play a key role in bringing the Christian faithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings. to the North.

St AidanAidan, St (d. 651) Monk of Iona, missionary to Northumbria and Bishop of Lindisfarne., the future Apostle of Northumbria is born in Ireland. He later moved to Iona and was subsequently sent to teach the Christian faith to the Northumbrians, settling in LindisfarneLindisfarne Also known as Holy Island, a peninsula off the coast of north-east England (Northumbria), this area is cut off from the mainland by the tide twice a day. A monastic community was founded here by St Aidan, in emulation of Iona. From Lindisfarne, missionary activity was conducted in the kingdom of Northumbria. The Anglo-Saxon community produced saints, the most prominent being St Cuthbert in whose honour the magnificent Lindisfarne Gospels were written. c. 635.

St Augustine arrives in CanterburyCanterbury City in the south east of England; the seat of England's senior archbishop, who is also bishop of the diocese of Canterbury. It was here that St Augustine of Canterbury (d.609), who had been sent by Pope Gregory the Great to convert the English in 597, established his ecclesiastical headquarters. In the Anglo-Saxon period Canterbury's monasteries were places of learning and artistry. After the Norman Conquest the cathedral was magnificently rebuilt by Archbishop Lanfranc and embellished by Archbishop Anselm. The martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170 added to the cathedral's prominence as a place of pilgrimage and the east end of the church was dramatically remodelled in the Gothic style., leading a missionMission 1. A group of people sent out to share religious faith. 2. The task of sharing faith. sent from RomeRome This Italian city was the capital of the Roman Empire and, with the primacy accorded to the bishops of Rome (the popes), the centre of the Western Church from the late-Antique period onwards. Rome was not only the administrative centre, but an important source of innovation, relics and liturgy. Missionaries from Rome played an important role in the conversion of Anglo-Saxon England from late 6th century onward. by PopePope Head of the medieval church in the West. Used as a title preceding the name of the Bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church Gregory the Great.  St Columba dies on Iona.

St PaulinusPaulinus, St Bishop of York 627-644. Sent to England with Saint Augustine. Accompanied Queen Ethelburga north on her marriage to King Edwin of Northumbria. Converted King Edwin and the Northumbrians in 627 and founded the first York Minster. is sent from Rome to join St Augustine’s mission in Kent.

King Edwin creates the Kingdom of Northumbria by uniting the kingdoms of BerniciaBernicia Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the North of England founded in the 6th century which eventually united with Deira to form the Kingdom of Northumbria in the North and DeiraDeira Southern area of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria to the South, focused on York


OswaldOswald, St (604-642) King of Northumbria who encouraged the spread of Christianity during the 7th century. and his brother Oswy, princes of the Bernician royal house, go into exile on Iona, where they are converted to Iona’s style of Christianity. 


St Paulinus arrives at Edwin’s court, as bishopBishop Bishops exercised pastoral care over a diocese and authority to confirm and ordain and missionaryMissionary Someone sent out to share religious faith. to Northumbria, accompanying Edwin’s bride, princess Aethelburg of Kent. Edwin eventually accepts the Christian faith. 


Paulinus baptises King Edwin’s baby daughter Eanfled [‘the first of the Northumbrian race to be baptised’] and eleven other people. The paganPagan Derived from Latin paganus, the Roman term for a rural dweller, this word came to be applied to those who were not Christian, particularly the followers of the classical religion of Greece and Rome and those who followed the pre-Christian religions of Europe chief priest Coifi accepts the Christian faith and destroys the pagan idols a Goodmanham.  


King Edwin and his court are baptised by Paulinus on Easter Day (12 April) in a small specially built wooden church near the present York MinsterYork Minster Popular name for the cathedral and metropolitan church of St Peter in York. Seat of the Archbishop of York, the cathedral was established in 627 by St Paulinus as a baptistery for King Edwin. The present building contains elements of the Norman cathedral of Archbishop Thomas of Bayeux, but dates largely from the 13th-15th centuries.. Paulinus baptised others in the River Glen near the king’s palace at YeaveringYeavering Residence of early Northumbrian kings where, according to Bede, Paulinus carried out baptisms in 627 in the presence of King Edwin. (Ad Gefrin) near Wooler; in the River Swale near Catterick; and in the River Trent. 


King Edwin conquers the Isle of Man and Anglesey. 


King Edwin is killed in battle in a major setback to Christianity in the region. Paulinus retreats to Kent with the Queen, Edwin’s daughter Eanfled, and his son, leaving James the DeaconDeacon An ordained minister who ranks immediately below a priest in the hierarchy of the Church (d. 671) to head the northern mission. 


Oswald returns from exile to become king. He and the Northumbrian army confront and defeat King Caedwalla’s army near HexhamHexham St Wilfrid founded an abbey here in Northumbria in 674 dedicated to St Andrew. After the Norman Conquest it was re-established as an Augustinian Priory. At the Dissolution of the Monasteries the church was retained as a parish church. The crypt built by St Wilfrid survives, having set up a wooden crossCross Instrument of torture and execution used in the Roman Empire. The means by which Christ was put to death and therefore the primary symbol of the Christian faith, representing the means by which he is believed to have won forgiveness for humankind. The Cross may be represented as Tau-shaped (like a capital T); with a shorter cross-bar or with a circle enclosing the upper intersection (Celtic). In medieval art a cross made of living branches signifies the Tree of Life. St Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine, is said to have discovered the True Cross (i.e. the Cross in Jerusalem on which Christ died) in 326. and prayed before the battle. The site became known as Heavenfield and was associated with miracles.  


Monastery of Lindisfarne founded on Holy IslandHoly Island Name for Lindisfarne, the island off the coast of Northumbria which was home to a monastery in the Anglo-Saxon period. The monastery, which housed the relics of St Cuthbert, was sacked by the Vikings in 793. by monks from Iona. The first missionary was a failure but was followed by the gentler, humbler Aidan, who served as bishop of Lindisfarne from 635 until his death in 651. 


King Oswald, later revered as a saintSaint In the New Testament applied to all Christians. Later used of those who were martyred or showed exceptional holiness and whose status was confirmed by the church. The practice of venerating the saints and their relics and asking for their intercessions (prayers) can be observed from the second and third centuries onward and played a central role in popular medieval religion., is killed in battle by Penda, the pagan king of Mercia. He is succeeded by his brother Oswy.


St Aidan asks St HildHild, St (c.614-680). Sometimes Hilda. Abbess of the double monastery at Whitby. to serve as a nun in Northumbria instead of going abroad. Hild goes on to be abbessAbbess Head of a community of nuns of threedouble monasteries: Hartlepool; WhitbyWhitby 1. A monastery was founded in Northumbria in 656 by Oswry, Christian king of Northumbria. The first abbess was Hild or Hilda. 2. Also see Synod of Whitby. (where she trains five bishops and helps the cowherd poet CaedmonCaedmon First recorded Anglo-Saxon composer of religious poetry in English. tell the stories from the Bible in the language of his own people), and Hackness. 

c. 650

Birth of St Werburgh, the daughter of King Wulfhere of Mercia and St Ermenilda. Trained by her mother and St ChadChad, St A disciple of St Aidan and brother of St Cedd of Lastingham, St Chad was caught up in the political struggles which accompanied the Synod of Whitby in 664. Eventually he was appointed by St Theodore, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be the first bishop of Mercia and Lindsey (effectively the Midlands and Lincolnshire). In 672 he died and was buried at Lichfield. A healing cult associated with his tomb is described by Bede., she went on to become abbess of Ely. She died c. 700. In the late 9th century, her shrineShrine In origin a Germanic word meaning a chest or reliquary, this term describes something which contains a sacred object. It can thus be applied to an elaborate tomb around the body of a saint, a cabinet containing a relic or to the whole architectural complex where such a body or relic rest was moved to Chesterwhere it attracted pilgrims. She became the patron saintPatron Saint A saint chosen or regarded as a protector of or intercessor for a particular place, church, person, place, or occupation. of the city.


Pagan backlash against the expansion of Christian Northumbria, led by the pagan King Penda of Mercia.


Biscop Baducing, a Northumbrian nobleman, makes the first of five long journeys to Rome during which he learns from the wider Church and brings back books, paintings, and relics to Northumbria. He is joined en route by another Northumbrian, St Wilfrid, who goes on to study in Lyon.


Benedict Biscop makes a second trip to Rome, then spends time at the influential island monastery of Lérins (off the French coast), becoming a monk and taking the name of Benedict.


St Cedd, brother of St Chad, founds a monastery at Lastingham. Cedd, Chad, and their brothers, St Caelin and St Cynibil, were among the earliest monks trained at Lindisfarne. After Cedd dies in 664, Chad briefly succeeds him as abbotAbbot Head of an abbey of monks before becoming Bishop of Northumbria (664-669) and Lichfield (669-72).

c. 660

Wilfrid returns to Northumbria. The king’s son, Alhfrith, gives him the monastery at RiponRipon A cathedral city and market town in North Yorkshire. In the mid-7th century, St Wilfrid (who later became Bishop of York) founded a religious community at Ripon with land granted from the king of Northumbria. Due to Viking incursions, the body of St Cuthbert temporarily resided at Ripon in the 10th century., founded in the mid-650s by a small community from Melrose, an offshoot of Lindisfarne. 


The Synod of WhitbySynod of Whitby (664) Pivotal meeting at which it was agreed that the Roman church structures and hierarchy would supersede the Celtic tradition in England. St Wilfrid spoke for Rome and debated with Bishop Colman who spoke for the Celtic tradition, hosted by St Hild and presided over by King Oswy seeks to reconcile the variety of Christian practices co-existing within the kingdom. It decides that the Northumbrian Church should follow the customs of Rome (including how to calculate the date of Easter), rather than those of Iona. 


Wilfrid is appointed Bishop of the Northumbrians, but when he goes to GaulGaul Ancient region of Europe, corresponding to modern France, Belgium, the south Netherlands, south-west Germany, and northern Italy to be consecrated, St Chad is made bishop in his place. When Wilfrid returns, he spends time in Ripon, introducing Roman chant and the Benedictine RuleBenedictine Rule In the medieval West the most influential guide for those following the monastic life was the Rule of St Benedict (c.480-550), drawn up for his monks at Monte Cassino and promoted in England by St Wilfrid (d. 709). Benedictines (Black Monks) led a highly-disciplined life of prayer (the opus dei or 'work of God'), study and manual work..


Benedict Biscop returns from Rome with more books, manuscripts, icons, and relics and is given land by King Ecgfrith of Northumbria to found St Peter’s Monastery, MonkwearmouthMonkwearmouth Dedicated to St Peter the monastery was founded by Benedict Biscop in 674, as a sister house of Jarrow, on land given to him by King Egfrith of Northumbria near the mouth of the River Wear (now in Co. Durham), after his return to England from Rome with Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. Details of its foundation and activities are recorded by the Venerable Bede, most notably in his History of the Abbots, and his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. It was destroyed in c.867 and 1070; re-founded in 1074 and became a cell of the monastic cathedral of Durham in 1083 remaining so until 1536 and the Dissolution of the Monasteries.  With Abbot CeolfrithCeolfrith (c.642-716) Abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow in the time of Bede. Commissioned the production of the Codex Amiatinus, the oldest surviving complete Latin Bible in one volume, Biscop builds up a library which will enable BedeBede, the Venerable (c.673-735) Anglo-Saxon historian and biblical scholar. Sent to study at the monastery of Wearmouth at seven; later transferred to Jarrow. Renowned in his lifetime for his learning, Bede wrote treatises on poetry, time and cosmography. Historical works include History of the Abbots, prose and verse versions of the Life of St Cuthbert and Ecclesiastical History of the English People. to become one of the greatest scholars of the Church.


ArchbishopArchbishop Bishop who also presides over a group of dioceses or provinces. Theodore of Canterbury restores Wilfrid as bishop in Northumbria, sending Chad as bishop to Merciainstead. Wilfrid develops Ripon, echoing what he has seen in Rome and Gaul, and builds a stone basilica with a catacomb-like cryptCrypt From the Greek kryptós meaning 'hidden' it formed the lower part of the church, where it was often used for burials.. The crypt can still be seen in Ripon cathedral today. 


King Oswy dies. He is succeeded by King Ecgfrith whose wife Queen Æthelthryth /Etheldreda (born c. 636) asks to leave him and becomes a nun at Coldingham in 672. In 673 she founds the double monastery of Ely where she dies in 679.


Archbishop Theodore divides St Wilfrid’s huge dioceseDiocese A geographical area composed of a number of parishes, under the administrative and spiritual jurisdiction of a Bishop. into three: York, Hexham and Lindisfarne. Wilfrid is expelled and goes into exile. In 686 Theodore restores Wilfrid as Bishop of York. 


Benedict Biscop returns from Rome, with books, paintings and relics. He brings John, abbot of St Martin’s monasteryin Rome and leader of the choir at St Peter’s to teach the monks of Monkwearmouth how to sing and write the Roman liturgy.


Bede (born 672/3) enters the monastery at Monkwearmouth. In 682, Benedict Biscop founds St PaulPaul, St (d. c. 65) 'Apostle to the Gentiles'. Born Saul of Tarsus, a Jew and Roman citizen. His initial hostility to the early church was overcome by his conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9: 1-19). Using the Roman version of his name, Paul travelled through Asia Minor and into Europe preaching to both Jews and Gentiles. Eventually arrested and taken to Rome for trial. Tradition holds that he was executed during the persecution under Nero. The New Testament letters bearing his name stress that salvation is offered as a gift (by God's grace) through faith, as a result of the forgiveness won by Christ's death on the cross and is available to Jews and non-Jews alike (e.g. Ephesians 2)’s JarrowJarrow Dedicated to St Paul the monastery founded by Benedict Biscop in 684, as a sister house of Monkwearmouth, on land donated by king Egfrid of Northumbria by the River Tyne, after his return to England from Rome with Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. Details of its foundation and activities are recorded by the Venerable Bede, most notably in his History of the Abbots, and his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Bede died here in 735. The monastery was destroyed in c. 867 and again in 973; but may not have been deserted since in 1022 the bones of Bede were carried from Jarrow to Durham cathedral. Re-established in 1074, it ultimately became a cell of the monastic cathedral of Durham in 1083 and remained so until 1536 and the Dissolution of the Monasteries and Bede is transferred there. 


St CuthbertCuthbert, St (d. 687) Celtic monk and hermit. Bishop of Lindisfarne 685. becomes Bishop of Lindisfarne and builds a hermitage on Inner FarneFarne Small island near Lindisfarne to which St Cuthbert retreated to live as a hermit, opposite the royal citadel of Bamburgh. He dies there in 687 and is buried on Lindisfarne.


St John of BeverleyJohn of Beverley, St (d. 721) An English bishop whose shrine was renowned for healing miracles, attracting large numbers of pilgrims. His life combines the asceticism of a hermit with his role as a bishop. He is one of the saints mentioned by Julian of Norwich, who was trained at Canterbury and at Whitby under St Hild, is consecrated as Bishop of Hexhamby Archbishop Theodore. 705-718 he serves as Bishop of York. Dies 721.

c. 695

St Maughold’s Church (Isle of Man) is mentioned in a life of St Patrick.

c. 700-716 

Abbot Ceolfrith commissions the scriptoriumScriptorium (Latin 'place of writing') A place where books are written, in particular a place where monks copied official documents, histories, service books, biblical and devotional texts. From the Anglo-Saxon period onwards, most religious communities copied manuscripts for their own use. There is no single location for a scriptorium within the complex of buildings that comprises a monastery or convent, but the supply of natural light and sometimes heat were important in deciding where it would be situated at Monkwearmouth-JarrowMonkwearmouth-Jarrow A pair of monasteries founded by Benedict Biscop in 674 and 684 respectively in Northumbria (now in Co. Durham). The Venerable Bede describes their history and their illustrious abbots most notably in his History of the Abbots, and his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. In c.715 the combined houses were said to house over 600 brothers under the rule of a single abbot, Ceolfrid. See Monkwearmouth and Jarrow to make 3 massive single-volume Bibles, one of which, the CodexCodex (pl. codices) (from caudex, the Latin word for tree bark). A book made up of folded sheets sewn along one edge. Amiatinus, is given to the Pope in Rome.


Wilfrid returns to England, having visited Willibrord’s mission in Frisia, and spends his final years as bishop of Hexham. He dies in 710 and is buried at Ripon. 710-14 Stephen of Ripon writes his Life of St Wilfrid.


The Lindisfarne GospelsLindisfarne Gospels A richly illuminated and decorated book of Gospels produced 696-698 by the monk Eadfrith on the Holy Island, Lindisfarne in Northumbria, in honour of St Cuthbert. The manuscript is in the British Library, (Cotton MS Nero D iv). are made by Bishop Eadfrith of Lindisfarne on Holy Island.


Bede completes his second telling of the life of St Cuthbert, an important contribution to building up devotion to the saint.


St Willibald travels on pilgrimage to JerusalemJerusalem City captured and made into the capital city of Israel by King David. Site of the Temple built by Solomon, and of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. A holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims


Bede completes his ‘History of the English Church and People’ (creating the concept of ‘the English’). Bede’s ‘History’ focuses upon the bringing of the Christian faith to Northumbria and the development of the English Church.


Bede dies at Jarrow monastery, after spending his final weeks translating part of St JohnJohn, St Evangelist, Apostle. Son of Zebedee and brother of St James the Great. One of the three disciples closest to Christ. Tradition states that he wrote the Fourth Gospel, the three Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation. In medieval iconography often stands with the Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross. Symbol an eagle’s GospelGospel (Greek evangelion, Old English godspel 'good news') 1. The central message of the Christian faith concerning salvation. 2. Title given to the four New Testament books which describe the life of Christ i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 3. A reading taken from one of the four Gospels which has the place of honour in the Eucharist into English – the first western vernacularVernacular Native or common to a particular country or region. Often refers to language (and dialect) or architectural styles. language translationTranslation Refers to the act of moving the body or other relics of a holy person. of a biblical text.


The see of York becomes an archbishopric during the time of Bishop EcgbertEcgbert (d.766) Eighth-century Archbishop of York who corresponded with Bede and Boniface.


Pagan Vikings raid Lindisfarne and desecrate the shrine, but the relics of St Cuthbert are saved. 

c. 850

St Bega / Bee, an Irish princess, flees from Ireland to Cumbria to escape marriage to a pagan VikingViking Customarily refers to the Scandinavian explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, and settled in wide areas of Europe and the North Atlantic islands from the late eighth to the mid-eleventh century.There is some debate over the meaning of this word, which is attested but rarely used in the early medieval period. It was revived as a term in Scandinavian languages in the 17th century and in English in the early 19th. In contemporary sources it refers to a raider or pirate, often in association with ships and predatory activity. Some modern scholars try to keep to this restricted definition; others are happy with a wider range of meaning, applying the word to Scandinavians and their culture from approximately 790 to the mid or late 11th century, especially outside the Scandinavian homelands.. She founds St Bees and becomes an anchoress, moving further East into Northumbria to avoid Viking coastal raids.


The pagan Viking ‘Great Army’ conquers much of England and establishes a dynasty in York. Around 886, the country is divided along a line running roughly from London to Chester, with the north becoming the DanelawDanelaw The regions of England which were for a period under Danish/Viking control and the south being united under King Alfred and his descendants. 


The Community of St Cuthbert carries Cuthbert’s relics around southern Scotland and the North of England, reasserting the saint’s authority in the region, whilst retaining a presence on Holy Island and Inner Farne. They help ensure the survival of Christianity within the Danelaw. 


Guthred, the second Viking king of Northumbria, grants the Community of St Cuthbert a new home at Chester-le-Street, near Durham. 


King AthelstanAthelstan (895-939) King of Wessex and later Overlord of the English, 924-939. Eldest, but illegitimate, son of Edward the Elder by Egwina, he was brought up in the Mercian court by his powerful aunt, Aetheflaed, after his father's marriage in 899 visits the shrine of St Cuthbert at Chester-le-Street and presents a copy of Bede’s ‘Life of St Cuthbert’ and West Saxon liturgicalLiturgical Relating to the liturgy (worship) of the church and the festivals of the Church Year. embroideries (which remained in his tomb and can still be seen at Durham Cathedral).


King Edmund of WessexWessex Kingdom of the West Saxons, established in the early 6th century and gradually extended by conquest to include much of southern England. The name was revived in the novels of Thomas Hardy. takes control of the Danelaw fortresses of Nottingham, Derby, Stamford, Lincoln and Leicester. An English poem found in the Anglo-Saxon ChronicleAnglo-Saxon Chronicle A collection of annals telling the history of the Anglo-Saxons and their settlement in Britain. It was initiated by Alfred the Great c.890 and continued until the mid-twelfth Century describes the king as freeing the Danish people from ‘captivity to the heathens’, the Norsemen of the kingdom of York. 


King Edmund of Wessex visits the shrine of St Cuthbert at Chester-le-Street and leaves gifts. 


Aldred, a monk of the Community of St Cuthbert at Chester-le-Street, inserts a word-by-word Old EnglishOld English The language and vernacular (English) literature of the Anglo-Saxons in England between the fifth and eleventh centuries. translation of the Latin text of the Lindisfarne Gospels into the original manuscript. 


King Eadwig gives Southwell to the Archbishop of York who founds the church which becomes Southwell MinsterMinster Originally a church with a group of clergy which served a large area. Later used to describe a church staffed by many priests or a monastic community


King EdgarEdgar (943-975) King of the English (959-975) known as 'Edgar the Peaceful. Son of Edmund the Magnificent and St Aelfgith, he was a friend of St Dunstan and promoted the establishment of Benedictine monasteries across England. Though not especially religious himself (fathering numerous illegitimate children), he was revered as a saint after his death. of Mercia and Northumbria makes a grant to the community of St Werburgh in Chester. The church became Chester Cathedral in 1541. Werburgh was regarded as the patron saint and protector of Chester.


Renewed Viking attacks lead eventually to the Scandinavian king Cnut becoming king of England. In 1014, Archbishop WulfstanWulfstan (d. 1023). Bishop of London (996-1002) and Archbishop of York from 1002. Preacher and law-maker. of York preaches The SermonSermon A talk which provides religious instruction or exhortation of Wolf to the English, warning that the Vikings’ success was God’s judgement on the disobedience of Anglo-Saxon Christians. 


St Cuthbert’s followers settle at Durham.


King Cnut issues a ‘Letter to the English People’ (written with the help of Archbishop Wulfstan), promising to be a gracious Christian king, and uphold Christian laws and customs. 


The Anglo-Saxon dynasty is restored under Edward ‘the Confessor.’  He dies in January 1066 without heirs and is succeeded by Harold Godwinsson, the most powerful man in the kingdom.


The Norman ConquestNorman Conquest The conquest of the English through the defeat of the Anglo-Saxon king Harold Godwinson by William Duke of Normandy at Hastings in October 1066. Duke William of NormandyWilliam of Normandy (c.1028 -1087) 'The Conqueror'. Duke of Normandy and king of England 1066-1087 following the Battle of Hastings. (which had been settled by the Vikings) invades England and Harold Godwinsson is killed at the Battle of Hastings. The Norman regime becomes established in England, ushering in a new era for the Church in the North.