Rachel and Ni-Cola work within the Children Changing Places Project in Bolton Deanery, part of the DioceseDiocese A geographical area composed of a number of parishes, under the administrative and spiritual jurisdiction of a Bishop. of Manchester, creating pathways for children and young people to grow in their faith.
Rachel describes the amazing changes seen in the first 5 years including the growth of Wiggle WorshipWorship 1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect to God. The Bible includes a wide range of physical expression in worship, including bowing down, lifting hands, dancing, processions and singing. The main day on which Christians gather for communal worship is Sunday (the day when Christ is believed to have risen from the dead). 2. Christian liturgy including sung material and prayers of thanksgiving and praise., Cafe Churches and Secondary school chaplaincy. Ni-Cola leads the Shades Project, which is a racial justice and faith project, to encourage children and young people to know their identity is founded in Christ.
Listen to more stories of faith from the north, with other podcasts in this series.
If you have a faith story you’d like to share email faithinthenorth@archbishopofyork.org
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