Lesley from Jarrow

Lesley, Rector of the Parish of Jarrow and Simonside shares with us about the local community and the many groups which help to support others.

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Celebrating Stories of Faith
Celebrating Stories of FaithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings.
Lesley from JarrowJarrow Dedicated to St Paul the monastery founded by Benedict Biscop in 684, as a sister house of Monkwearmouth, on land donated by king Egfrid of Northumbria by the River Tyne, after his return to England from Rome with Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. Details of its foundation and activities are recorded by the Venerable Bede, most notably in his History of the Abbots, and his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Bede died here in 735. The monastery was destroyed in c. 867 and again in 973; but may not have been deserted since in 1022 the bones of Bede were carried from Jarrow to Durham cathedral. Re-established in 1074, it ultimately became a cell of the monastic cathedral of Durham in 1083 and remained so until 1536 and the Dissolution of the Monasteries

Lesley, Rector of the ParishParish Area with its own church, served by a priest who has the spiritual care of all those living within it. The system evolved gradually, reaching completion by the 13th century of Jarrow and Simonside shares with us about the local community and the many groups which help to support others. This includes the four parish churches which offer different ways of support, from warm spaces to free food to those in need, debt advice and cooking classes. Lesley sees this as an important way of being church today.

Listen to more stories of faith from the north, with other podcasts in this series.

If you have a faith story you’d like to share email faithinthenorth@archbishopofyork.org

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