John from the Lake District

John helps people connect with nature in a profound spiritual way, encouraging them to experience the awe, wonder and beauty of the Creator God.

John Fleetwood
Celebrating Stories of Faith
Celebrating Stories of FaithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings.
John from the Lake District

Based in the Lake District, John helps people connect with nature in a profound spiritual way, encouraging them to experience the awe, wonder and beauty of the Creator God. Whether people have a faith or not, he hopes that they will nurture a deep love for nature and a desire to care for all creationCreation Christian doctrine, based on the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis and amplified by the theologians, stated that God created 'heaven and earth' ex nihilo, out of nothing. When the physical world had been formed, Adam and Eve were created 'in the image of God', without sin and able to communicate directly with God. Their mandate was to rule as stewards over the natural world..

Listen to more stories of faith from the north, with other podcasts in this series.

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