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Why ‘FaithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings. in the North’?
2027 will see the 1400th anniversary of the baptismBaptism The Sacramental rite of admission into the Christian Church. The candidate is immersed in or sprinkled with water in the name of the Trinity and may also be anointed with oil. in YorkYork 1. A Roman city and early centre of Christianity. 2. Diocese and province under the leadership of the Archbishop of York. by BishopBishop Bishops exercised pastoral care over a diocese and authority to confirm and ordain Paulinus of King Edwin, the first king of NorthumbriaNorthumbria Northumbria was an early medieval Anglian kingdom in what is now Northern England and South Scotland. to profess the ChristianChristian Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church to designate all members of the church. faith. Wide-ranging consultation across the Northern Province has clearly shown that celebrating this key moment in the story of the Church offers a unique opportunity to use our rich spiritual inheritance in missionMission 1. A group of people sent out to share religious faith. 2. The task of sharing faith. today.
A Vision for 2024-27
Faith in the North is an invitation for churches across the region to recommit themselves to the service of God and his plans for the North. To help us in our own calling to be Northern ‘saints’, Faith in the North wants:
- to celebrate the many stories, past and present, showing God at work across the Province
- to stimulate growth in discipleship and prayer
- to encourage and deliver church planting and revitalisation.
Each year Faith in the North will offer a special lens and focused resources for churches, schools, and individuals through which to explore these key goals.
- 2025 will focus on Praying and Living the Lord’s Prayer.
- 2026 will highlight the multiple meanings of Pilgrimage as our daily life journey, our inner prayer journey, and growing in faith through visiting special places.
- 2027 will explore the meaning of Baptism and re-committing ourselves to serving God and his world.
The resources produced will be available as a long-term legacy.
Find out more about Church planting
Faith in the North reflects God’s calling to the first Northern Saints – that is, to pray, tell the story of God, and to plant new Christian communities where people can find God’s love.
Faith in the North is gathering and sharing downloadable and printed resources for churches to use with congregations, schools, local communities, and visitors in the years leading up to (and beyond) the 2027 anniversary. These will also support planting new congregations.
- creative engagement with people of all ages, in worshipWorship 1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect to God. The Bible includes a wide range of physical expression in worship, including bowing down, lifting hands, dancing, processions and singing. The main day on which Christians gather for communal worship is Sunday (the day when Christ is believed to have risen from the dead). 2. Christian liturgy including sung material and prayers of thanksgiving and praise., group study, quiet days, and anniversary celebrations
- building relationships with schools, communities, local history groups, and tourism authorities
- creating pilgrimPilgrim 1. In the New Testament and Christian thought, someone engaged in the Christian journey through life towards heaven. 2. Someone who journeys to holy places (such as biblical sites or shrines of the saints) to seek God's help, to give thanks, or as an act of penance routes between and within churches
- providing trails and prayer cards for visitors
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