David is Rector at Hexham AbbeyAbbey 1. Community of monks or nuns under the rule of an abbot or abbess. This is the higher grade of monastery, as opposed to the lower priory. 2. Building which they occupy. and takes us on a guided tour, highlighting how it played a major part in the origins of Christianity in the region. The original Abbey was founded in 674 by St Wilfrid and David describes how you can feel immersed by hundreds of years of prayer from past saints and pilgrims. The people of the parishParish Area with its own church, served by a priest who has the spiritual care of all those living within it. The system evolved gradually, reaching completion by the 13th century look back at the heritage in order to look forwards to where they are going and how they can serve the people of today.
Listen to more stories of faith from the north, with other podcasts in this series.
If you have a faith story you’d like to share email faithinthenorth@archbishopofyork.org
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