Hieu, founder of WhitbyWhitby 1. A monastery was founded in Northumbria in 656 by Oswry, Christian king of Northumbria. The first abbess was Hild or Hilda. 2. Also see Synod of Whitby. AbbeyAbbey 1. Community of monks or nuns under the rule of an abbot or abbess. This is the higher grade of monastery, as opposed to the lower priory. 2. Building which they occupy., came to live in Tadcaster in the 7thC (BedeBede, the Venerable (c.673-735) Anglo-Saxon historian and biblical scholar. Sent to study at the monastery of Wearmouth at seven; later transferred to Jarrow. Renowned in his lifetime for his learning, Bede wrote treatises on poetry, time and cosmography. Historical works include History of the Abbots, prose and verse versions of the Life of St Cuthbert and Ecclesiastical History of the English People.)