A Prayer for Faith in the North
A prayer for Faith in the North by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell

St Hild
Hild, a brilliant light that lit all Britain

St Bede
‘Candle of the Church’ and Father of English History

An Old English version of the Lord’s Prayer
The only prayer which Jesus taught his disciples.

St Wilfrid
Bishop, pilgrim, builder, innovator

St Paulinus
From Italy to Northumbria to bring Good News

Fiona from Newcastle
Fiona leads a team of workplace chaplains at Newcastle International Airport.

Anthony from Newbiggen-by-the-sea
Anthony is Vicar in Newbiggin on Sea and also chaplain to the local RNLI where he has trained to become a member of the crew.

Dave from Newcastle
Dave works as a Youth and Children Co-ordinator in the Diocese of Newcastle and particularly in the Beyond Youth Project.

Lesley from Jarrow
Lesley, Rector of the Parish of Jarrow and Simonside shares with us about the local community and the many groups which help to support others.