Grant Awarded to Strengthen Mission Across Northern Dioceses

SMMIB grant award for 5 year Northern Enabling strategy

May of the Province of York

The Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board (SMMIB) of the Church of England has awarded a £1.76 million grant, with an additional £1.62 million available for future funding, for a five-year Northern Enabling Strategy to help northern dioceses launch up to 600 additional new worshipping communities. This funding will support parishes in providing additional services on Sundays and new forms of church gathering mid-week, to reach more people with the ChristianChristian Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church to designate all members of the church. faithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings..

Under the banner of Faith in the North, this initiative will support learning networks to share good practice, including a new leadership training programme operating with the support of the national Ministry Development Board. It will also give local parishes access to additional funds as they prepare to launch a new service, congregation or community. A further fund will increase the capacity of churches to revitalise other parishes through sending church planting teams.

Reflecting on this important milestone, ArchbishopArchbishop Bishop who also presides over a group of dioceses or provinces. Stephen said, “We have begun our journey through Advent, looking forward to celebrating the good news of God coming to dwell among us in the person of JesusJesus (Greek form of Hebrew 'Joshua' meaning 'Yahweh [God] is salvation') Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded mainly in the Four Gospels although he is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus (c. 37-c.100) and the Roman historian Tacitus (c.110). Christ, and I believe this strategy will help us bring the hope of that gospelGospel (Greek evangelion, Old English godspel 'good news') 1. The central message of the Christian faith concerning salvation. 2. Title given to the four New Testament books which describe the life of Christ i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 3. A reading taken from one of the four Gospels which has the place of honour in the Eucharist to communities that have been long marginalized and under-resourced. It’s a powerful reminder that we can achieve so much more together than we could alone. With this grant, we’re enabling dioceses across the North to become centres of learning for church planting, adding much-needed capacity and momentum, especially in parishes and deaneries where this will make the greatest impact.

Developed under the leadership of Mark Powley, the Archbishop’s MissionMission 1. A group of people sent out to share religious faith. 2. The task of sharing faith. Enabler for the North, the strategy has received widespread support from northern bishops and national church partners.

David Walker, the BishopBishop Bishops exercised pastoral care over a diocese and authority to confirm and ordain of Manchester: “The dioceses of the Northern Province face particular challenges, yet are also well used to working together effectively. The additional support this will provide will improve our capacity to grow the church.”

Philip North, the Bishop of Blackburn: “This province-wide approach is a welcome step as we work to ensure that church planting and revitalization become central to our mission as we share the graceGrace 1. The undeserved favour of God, given to enable an individual to grow spiritually.2. A prayer of thanksgiving said before meals. of God in Jesus Christ.”

Lynne Cullens, Chair of the Estates Evangelism Task Group: “I’m delighted to support this regional approach, including support for new worshipping communities on estates and in low-income communities. This is important work which we believe will bear fruit and have wider beneficial impact.”

The Northern Enabling Strategy is about creating a collaborative learning environment where dioceses work together to develop their mission and pioneer new church planting models. As the Church of England moves forward with its goal of establishing 3,000 new worshipping communities across the north, this initiative will play a crucial role in reaching some of the country’s most underserved areas.

To watch a video of the Archbishop of YorkYork 1. A Roman city and early centre of Christianity. 2. Diocese and province under the leadership of the Archbishop of York. speaking about this: