(Latin VitaVita (Latin Vita 'Life' or Vitae (plural) 'Lives') A biography of a saint, often written to promote canonisation or a pilgrimage cult. The fourth-century Life of St Antony, by Athanasius, provided a hagiographical model which many later medieval vitae followed and indeed partly copied. ‘Life’ or Vitae (plural) ‘Lives’) A biography of a saintSaint In the New Testament applied to all Christians. Later used of those who were martyred or showed exceptional holiness and whose status was confirmed by the church. The practice of venerating the saints and their relics and asking for their intercessions (prayers) can be observed from the second and third centuries onward and played a central role in popular medieval religion., often written to promote canonisationCanonisation Process of examination of the claims of an individual to sainthood culminating in official recognition or a pilgrimage cultCult In the context of the study of the Middle Ages this phrase is used to describe the devotion which develops around and is focussed on a saint or their relics. A cult may be expressed by ritual, festivals, art, architecture, prayers and writings. The fourth-century Life of St Antony, by Athanasius, provided a hagiographical model which many later medieval vitae followed and indeed partly copied.