Virgin Birth

The understanding that Mary retained her virgin status during both the conception and birth of Jesus. This belief is part of the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, recorded…

The understanding that Mary retained her virgin status during both the conception and birth of JesusJesus (Greek form of Hebrew 'Joshua' meaning 'Yahweh [God] is salvation') Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded mainly in the Four Gospels although he is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus (c. 37-c.100) and the Roman historian Tacitus (c.110).. This belief is part of the doctrineDoctrine Belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative. of the perpetual virginity of Mary, recorded first by St JeromeJerome, St (330/347-420). Biblical scholar. Studied in Rome, then adopted ascetic life. Eventually settled in Bethlehem. Main translator of the Vulgate in c.383, which claims that she also maintained her virgin state throughout the remainder of her life.