
(Latin vicarius 'substitute') 1. A substitute, representative, or proxy. 2. Title given to priest responsible for caring for a parish. In the Middle Ages many rectors (who had the right…

(Latin vicarius ‘substitute’) 1. A substitute, representative, or proxy. 2. Title given to priest responsible for caring for a parishParish Area with its own church, served by a priest who has the spiritual care of all those living within it. The system evolved gradually, reaching completion by the 13th century. In the Middle Ages many rectors (who had the right to the income from a parish church) appointed vicars to care for the parish in their place. Now also used of a priest who is a member (team vicarVicar (Latin vicarius 'substitute') 1. A substitute, representative, or proxy. 2. Title given to priest responsible for caring for a parish. In the Middle Ages many rectors (who had the right to the income from a parish church) appointed vicars to care for the parish in their place. Now also used of a priest who is a member (team vicar) of a team ministry.) of a team ministry.