A late Anglo-Saxon illustrated PsalterPsalter A book containing the psalms and canticles dated to the mid eleventh century. It contains images of the CreationCreation Christian doctrine, based on the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis and amplified by the theologians, stated that God created 'heaven and earth' ex nihilo, out of nothing. When the physical world had been formed, Adam and Eve were created 'in the image of God', without sin and able to communicate directly with God. Their mandate was to rule as stewards over the natural world. of the world, David fighting with Goliath, Christ washing the disciples’ feet, the CrucifixionCrucifixion Execution by nailing or binding to a cross. Used frequently in the Roman Empire. The crucifixion of Jesus, recorded in all four Gospels, is believed by Christians to have made salvation available to humankind of Christ and Christ’s Harrowing of HellHarrowing of Hell The belief that while Christ's body rested in the tomb his spirit descended into hell to free the souls of the righteous. See 1 Peter 3: 18-20.