ReligiousReligious 1. Concerned with religion, showing belief in God or a deity. 2. In regards to an individual, refers to a member of an order of monks, nuns or friars who follow a Rule of life rite which symbolises the receipt of an inward spiritual graceGrace 1. The undeserved favour of God, given to enable an individual to grow spiritually.2. A prayer of thanksgiving said before meals.. In the 15th century the number of sacraments was finally agreed as seven (BaptismBaptism The Sacramental rite of admission into the Christian Church. The candidate is immersed in or sprinkled with water in the name of the Trinity and may also be anointed with oil., EucharistMass (Also called the Eucharist, Holy Communion or Lord's Supper). The chief sacramental service of the Church, incorporating praise, intercession and readings from scripture. The central action is the consecration of the bread and wine by the priest, recalling the words and actions of Christ at the Last Supper and commemorating the sacrifice which he offered for the sins of mankind on the cross. In the medieval Church the Mass was celebrated daily; it was also offered for the souls of the dead, Confirmation, OrdinationOrdination The ceremony of setting someone apart for religious ministry., Marriage, PenancePenance (Latin poena 'punishment') Sacrament involving contrition, confession, satisfaction (e.g. prayer, fasting, almsgiving or pilgrimage) and absolution., Anointing of the Sick) following the list made by Peter Lombard