
This word has its origins in the term for the buying back of slaves. Theologically it refers to the work of salvation which Christ accomplished through his death and resurrection.…

This word has its origins in the term for the buying back of slaves. Theologically it refers to the work of salvationSalvation The teaching that God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ and offered himself to die on the cross in order to save men and women from their sins. There were a variety of interpretations of the doctrine of the Atonement (that is, the reconciliation of mankind to God through the death of Christ). Origen (c.185-254) viewed Christ's death as a ransom paid to Satan, who had acquired rights over man through the Fall of Humankind; but this interpretation was later largely superseded by that of St Anselm (c.1033-1109), who taught that Christ died to take the punishment due to human sin, thus paying the debt owed to God and appeasing his righteous anger which Christ accomplished through his death and resurrectionResurrection That Jesus rose from the dead, thus conquering death, and that everyone will rise from the dead for the Last Judgement is a central Christian belief.. Through Christ’s sacrificeSacrifice An offering made to God usually in thanksgiving or penitence. people are saved from the consequences of sin and from death and are able to enter into a right relationship with God