The music of the ChristianChristian Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church to designate all members of the church. church throughout the Middle Ages. Also known as plainchantPlainchant The music of the Christian church throughout the Middle Ages. Also known as plainsong or simply chant, plainchant consists of a single melodic line, that can be sung solo or by several people in unison. Later in the Middle Ages, plainsong melodies could form the basis of musical compositions in more than one part (polyphony). The term 'Gregorian chant' is often applied to plainsong, because of a long-held myth that Pope Gregory the Great was visited by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove who dictated the music to him. Medieval evidence, however, suggests that the repertoire of plainsong was built up gradually over many centuries, and Gregory's involvement in its development was probably minimal. or simply chant, plainsong consists of a single melodic line, that can be sung solo or by several people in unison. Later in the Middle Ages, plainsong melodies could form the basis of musical compositions in more than one part (polyphony). The term ‘Gregorian chantGregorian Chant Solo and unison plainsong choral chant associated with Pope Gregory the Great’ is often applied to plainsong, because of a long-held myth that PopePope Head of the medieval church in the West. Used as a title preceding the name of the Bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church Gregory the Great was visited by the Holy SpiritHoly Spirit Or 'Holy Ghost'. Third person of the Trinity. in the form of a dove who dictated the music to him. Medieval evidence, however, suggests that the repertoire of plainsong was built up gradually over many centuries, and Gregory’s involvement in its development was probably minimal.