Peter, St

Apostle. Originally called Simon (not to be confused with St Simon the Zealot), he was given the name Cephas (Aramaic equivalent of the Greek 'Peter', meaning rock) by Christ. His…

ApostleDisciple New Testament term meaning learner or follower and used of the Twelve Apostles as well as of the followers of Jesus in general. See Apostle.. Originally called Simon (not to be confused with St Simon the Zealot), he was given the name Cephas (Aramaic equivalent of the Greek ‘Peter’, meaning rock) by Christ. His profession of faithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings. (Matthew 16: 13-20) evoked the promise ‘Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church… I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heavenKingdom of Heaven The central theme in Jesus' teaching, this refers to God's rule and power at work among people who accept his authority in their lives. Already evident in Jesus' ministry, God's rule will be fully revealed at Jesus' Second Coming.’, the passage on which the claims of the papacyPapacy This term refers to the office and institution of the pope. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the pope as Bishop of Rome is a successor of St Peter and takes on himself the primacy which Jesus accorded to Peter within the Church. In the medieval period the pope not only governed the Western Church but controlled considerable territory and played a significant political role have rested. His later denial of Christ (Matthew 26: 69-75) was followed by repentanceRepentance Renunciation of sin coupled with determination to obey God in the future. and a fresh commission to feed Christ’s sheep (John 21: 15-19). In Acts he emerges as the leader of the Early ChurchEarly Church Usually applied to the first three centuries of the development of Christianity from the Crucifixion of Christ to c. 325 (the Council of Nicea).. Early traditions describe him as the first bishopBishop Bishops exercised pastoral care over a diocese and authority to confirm and ordain of RomeRome This Italian city was the capital of the Roman Empire and, with the primacy accorded to the bishops of Rome (the popes), the centre of the Western Church from the late-Antique period onwards. Rome was not only the administrative centre, but an important source of innovation, relics and liturgy. Missionaries from Rome played an important role in the conversion of Anglo-Saxon England from late 6th century onward. and he was crucified head downwards during the reign of Nero. Often portrayed as the gate-keeper of heavenHeaven The dwelling-place of God and the angels and eventually all those who will live with God for eternity., holding the keys promised by Christ