Oswiu, King of Northumbria

(612-670) Younger brother of Oswald. Became king in 642. Bede stated that Oswiu was instrumental in the conversion of Sigeberht of the East Saxons. He was responsible for summoning the…

(612-670) Younger brother of OswaldOswald, St (604-642) King of Northumbria who encouraged the spread of Christianity during the 7th century.. Became king in 642. BedeBede, the Venerable (c.673-735) Anglo-Saxon historian and biblical scholar. Sent to study at the monastery of Wearmouth at seven; later transferred to Jarrow. Renowned in his lifetime for his learning, Bede wrote treatises on poetry, time and cosmography. Historical works include History of the Abbots, prose and verse versions of the Life of St Cuthbert and Ecclesiastical History of the English People. stated that Oswiu was instrumental in the conversion of Sigeberht of the East Saxons. He was responsible for summoning the Synod of WhitbySynod of Whitby (664) Pivotal meeting at which it was agreed that the Roman church structures and hierarchy would supersede the Celtic tradition in England. St Wilfrid spoke for Rome and debated with Bishop Colman who spoke for the Celtic tradition in 664 to decide between the Irish and Roman computations of Easter.