The state of sin which has characterised humankind since the Fall. The sacramentSacrament Religious rite which symbolises the receipt of an inward spiritual grace. In the 15th century the number of sacraments was finally agreed as seven (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Ordination, Marriage, Penance, Anointing of the Sick) following the list made by Peter Lombard of baptismBaptism The Sacramental rite of admission into the Christian Church. The candidate is immersed in or sprinkled with water in the name of the Trinity and may also be anointed with oil. was believed to remit original sinOriginal Sin The state of sin which has characterised humankind since the Fall. The sacrament of baptism was believed to remit original sin, which was passed from parent to child because conception takes place as the result of sexual intercourse. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception maintained that the Virgin Mary, alone of all humans, had been born free of original sin., which was passed from parent to child because conception takes place as the result of sexual intercourse. The doctrineDoctrine Belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative. of the Immaculate Conception maintained that the Virgin MaryVirgin Mary Mother of Jesus and wife of Saint Joseph. She is believed to have conceived Jesus through the agency of the Holy Spirit alone, thus remaining a virgin. The Council of Ephesus (431) confirmed upon her the title of theotokos, 'godbearer'The account of Mary's life in the New Testament was amplified by apocryphal documents and doctrines concerning her person and role developed in succeeding centuries. Justin Martyr (d.c.165) contrasted Mary's obedience with the disobedience of Eve, but the assertion that Mary, like her son, had been immaculately conceived (i.e. free from original sin) was disputed throughout the Middle Ages. The Book of James (mid-2nd century) named her parents as Joachim and Anna and asserted her perpetual virginity. The belief that she did not die but was taken up bodily into heaven was celebrated in the Feast of the Assumption. Faith in Mary's powers as intercessor on behalf of sinful men and women was given fresh impetus by St Bernard (1090-1153) and she was popularly regarded as the Queen of Heaven.See also Joys and Sorrows of Mary. Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Purification (February 2); Annunciation (March 25); Assumption (August 15); Nativity (September 8); Conception (December 8)., alone of all humans, had been born free of original sin.