Also described as ‘Justification by graceGrace 1. The undeserved favour of God, given to enable an individual to grow spiritually.2. A prayer of thanksgiving said before meals. through faithFaith 1. Belief and trust in someone or something. 2. Acceptance of particular religious teachings.’. The belief that an individual’s relationship with God is made possible through reliance on and acceptance of the gift of forgiveness won through Christ’s death on the CrossCross Instrument of torture and execution used in the Roman Empire. The means by which Christ was put to death and therefore the primary symbol of the Christian faith, representing the means by which he is believed to have won forgiveness for humankind. The Cross may be represented as Tau-shaped (like a capital T); with a shorter cross-bar or with a circle enclosing the upper intersection (Celtic). In medieval art a cross made of living branches signifies the Tree of Life. St Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine, is said to have discovered the True Cross (i.e. the Cross in Jerusalem on which Christ died) in 326. rather than through human good works. This belief was central to the teachings of Martin Luther and other Reformers