(d. 721) An English bishopBishop Bishops exercised pastoral care over a diocese and authority to confirm and ordain whose shrineShrine In origin a Germanic word meaning a chest or reliquary, this term describes something which contains a sacred object. It can thus be applied to an elaborate tomb around the body of a saint, a cabinet containing a relic or to the whole architectural complex where such a body or relic rest was renowned for healing miracles, attracting large numbers of pilgrims. His life combines the asceticismAsceticism (Greek askesis 'training') Way of life designed to subdue vice and encourage virtue. In Christian thought involves commitment to self-denial in order to follow Christ (Mark. 8: 34). Important in both monasticism and mysticism as a means to free the soul to love and experience God more fully. of a hermitHermit (Greek eremos 'desert') Person who has retired from society to follow the spiritual life in solitude. Unlike anchorites not confined to one spot with his role as a bishop. He is one of the saints mentioned by Julian of Norwich