(c.963-978) Eldest son of King EdgarEdgar (943-975) King of the English (959-975) known as 'Edgar the Peaceful. Son of Edmund the Magnificent and St Aelfgith, he was a friend of St Dunstan and promoted the establishment of Benedictine monasteries across England. Though not especially religious himself (fathering numerous illegitimate children), he was revered as a saint after his death. the Peaceful of England, Edward succeeded his father in 975. He was reputedly murdered in Corfe Castle in Dorset at the instigation of his stepmother Elfrida, who had opposed his succession. Originally buried at Wareham, he was translated to Shaftesbury in 980. He was styled ‘martyr’ officially in 1001 when miracles were reported at his tomb. FeastFeast Special liturgical celebration to commemorate an event or saint. day 18 March (the feast of his translationTranslation Refers to the act of moving the body or other relics of a holy person. is 20 June).