(943-975) King of the English (959-975) known as ‘EdgarEdgar (943-975) King of the English (959-975) known as 'Edgar the Peaceful. Son of Edmund the Magnificent and St Aelfgith, he was a friend of St Dunstan and promoted the establishment of Benedictine monasteries across England. Though not especially religious himself (fathering numerous illegitimate children), he was revered as a saint after his death. the Peaceful. Son of Edmund the Magnificent and St Aelfgith, he was a friend of St Dunstan and promoted the establishment of Benedictine monasteries across England. Though not especially religiousReligious 1. Concerned with religion, showing belief in God or a deity. 2. In regards to an individual, refers to a member of an order of monks, nuns or friars who follow a Rule of life himself (fathering numerous illegitimate children), he was revered as a saintSaint In the New Testament applied to all Christians. Later used of those who were martyred or showed exceptional holiness and whose status was confirmed by the church. The practice of venerating the saints and their relics and asking for their intercessions (prayers) can be observed from the second and third centuries onward and played a central role in popular medieval religion. after his death.