Early Church

Usually applied to the first three centuries of the development of Christianity from the Crucifixion of Christ to c. 325 (the Council of Nicea).

Usually applied to the first three centuries of the development of Christianity from the CrucifixionCrucifixion Execution by nailing or binding to a cross. Used frequently in the Roman Empire. The crucifixion of Jesus, recorded in all four Gospels, is believed by Christians to have made salvation available to humankind of Christ to c. 325 (the Council of NiceaCouncil of Nicea The First Council of Nicea, convened by Constantine the Great and held in Nicea (in modern-day Turkey) in 325. Its main accomplishments include the settlement of the issue regarding the relationship between God the Father and Jesus; the initiation of the Nicene Creed; formalising the calculation of the date of Easter; and the promulgation of early canon law).