Communion, Holy

The central act of the church's worship in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. See Matthew 26: 26-8, Mark 14: 22-4, Luke 22: 17-20, I Corinthians. 11: 23-5.…

The central act of the church’s worshipWorship 1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect to God. The Bible includes a wide range of physical expression in worship, including bowing down, lifting hands, dancing, processions and singing. The main day on which Christians gather for communal worship is Sunday (the day when Christ is believed to have risen from the dead). 2. Christian liturgy including sung material and prayers of thanksgiving and praise. in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. SeeSee The seat or area of responsibility of a bishop. Matthew 26: 26-8, Mark 14: 22-4, Luke 22: 17-20, I Corinthians. 11: 23-5. Also known as the EucharistMass (Also called the Eucharist, Holy Communion or Lord's Supper). The chief sacramental service of the Church, incorporating praise, intercession and readings from scripture. The central action is the consecration of the bread and wine by the priest, recalling the words and actions of Christ at the Last Supper and commemorating the sacrifice which he offered for the sins of mankind on the cross. In the medieval Church the Mass was celebrated daily; it was also offered for the souls of the dead, the Lord’s Supper and the MassEucharist (Greek eukharistia 'thanksgiving') The central act of the church's worship in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. The term comes from the fact that Jesus gave thanks for the bread and wine at the Last Supper. See Matthew 26: 26-8, Mark 14: 22-4, Luke 22: 17-20, I Corinthians. 11: 23-5. Also known as Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper and the Mass.