Alfred became King of WessexWessex Kingdom of the West Saxons, established in the early 6th century and gradually extended by conquest to include much of southern England. The name was revived in the novels of Thomas Hardy. when it was the only Anglo-Saxon Kingdom unoccupied by the Vikings. After initial military setbacks, Alfred defeated the Danes at the Battle of Edington in 878 and then made a peace treaty, establishing the DanelawDanelaw The regions of England which were for a period under Danish/Viking control. The Danish King, Guthrum, was converted and baptised. Alfred instituted an influential programme of education and translationTranslation Refers to the act of moving the body or other relics of a holy person. of religiousReligious 1. Concerned with religion, showing belief in God or a deity. 2. In regards to an individual, refers to a member of an order of monks, nuns or friars who follow a Rule of life and philosophical works into the vernacularVernacular Native or common to a particular country or region. Often refers to language (and dialect) or architectural styles..